What is your Arrive Alive Guarantee?

For Wednesday and Thursday deliveries only, I guarantee that your corals will arrive alive. In the rare event of a dead-on-arrival (DOA), I will either refund your money for the DOA pieces or re-ship replacements to you at no charge.

For the remaining delivery days, store credit will be issued for any DOAs. Essentially you will have to pay for shipping for any replacements.

However, in order for these guarantees to be valid:

  • You must be present to receive the package on the first delivery attempt and you will need to provide a picture of the DOA coral within 1 hour of package arrival.

*The reason for the 1-hour window for reporting DOA frags is because it ensures that the package was received and the contents were inspected by you in a timely manner. Since I coordinate a shipping date with you, 1 hour should be plenty of time. 

What is your Stay Alive Guarantee?

If you contact me within the 1st hour of the package arrival to tell me everything is okay, I will extend the guarantee for 7 days.

  • I will issue store credit for any piece that you lose within the first 7 days if you provide a satisfactory picture of the dead coral, however it must still be mounted on the original frag plug.
  • If you have not contacted me within the first hour of delivery, this extended guarantee is not valid.

Is it safe to postpone dipping of my new specimens?

Yes, I take coral quarantine very seriously! I have a rigorous coral quarantine method which includes two quarantine tanks and thorough inspection throughout the entire process. The corals that enter the main system, i.e. the pieces that I sell, are clean. Although it would be unrealistic for anyone guarantee that their corals are 100% parasite free, it is reasonable to say that there is a less than 1% chance that any coral that arrives to your door from me will have Acropora parasites. Experienced hobbyists know that dipping alone is far from reliable, so dipping a stressed out coral that came from any trusted source, like me, will cause additional and unnecessary stress.

Placing your new arrivals in a separate quarantine system is the standard, but I know it’s not always practical to keep a quarantine tank. With that said, there are ways of isolating your new arrivals if you don’t have a quarantine tank. Check out the article posted here for coral quarantine tips and recommendations.

What if my package is delayed?

If the package is significantly delayed due to weather or other incidents out of our control which results in coral deaths, on Wednesday and Thursday delvieries only, I take responsibility and will ship out replacements at no cost to you, or I will issue a refund/store credit for the DOA pieces (pictures still must be provided within 1 hour of package arrival). On any other delivery days, store credit will be issued for any DOAs if I am notified within 1 hour of package arrival (with pictures).

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at sales@coraleuphoria.com if you have any questions.